Submitted by
Wicked Weasel
2024-05-28 19:32:17
Caution: this film shoot is full of hot Wicked Weasel bikinis. Watch Lily in her very first stunning string bikini try on haul tape! Then cop all her sizzling tankini looks here:
Wicked Weasel’s bombshell is back! Only this time, it’s not for a hot photoshoot, but for a very fine bathing suit try on haul movie. Hear it straight from Lily as she tries on bikinis after bikinis, of course, all from Wicked Weasel!
In this try on haul footage, Lily also gives us a glimpse on how it’s like to live right by the beach. She’s living the life. She can look out of her window and there it is - the Bondi Beach!
The only question is: what Wicked Weasel swimsuit will Lily wear to the beach today? Watch this sweet bathing suit try on haul movie, and find out. Plus, hear her honest opinion about Wicked Weasel bikinis and what she absolutely enjoys about each one.
What Wicked Weasel two-piece swimsuit do you like most for Lily in this sexy bathing suit try on haul footage? Let us know in the comments section below. We can’t wait to read your thoughts (suggestions, or really, anything you’d like us to know)!
How about treating yourself or a loved one to a hot swim set today? We listed all the bikinis in this fine swimsuit try on haul video for you. Happy two-piece swimsuit shopping!
Cherry Bomb:
Goddess Lace (Hurry - this stunning two-piece swimsuit will be off of Wicked Weasel soon. Make sure to snap it up before it goes away!):
Ocean Shimmer:
Lily is on Instagram! Follow this stunning gal and get to know her more here: @missliliamelia
Song: Ofshane - Caballero
Music promoted by No Copyright Audio Library.
Video Link:
#wickedweasel #bikinitryonhaul #bikinitryon #bikinihaul #fashionhaul #bikinis - Wicked Weasel full two-piece swimsuit try on haul YouTube video
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