Submitted by
Rachel Cook
2023-10-15 20:03:03
Through curiosity, vulnerability, and PLAY, I explore practices and ideas that sensitize & turn me on to life! In this video, I explore how the way I move my body relates to For*Play for life!
The way I choose to move, or not move, and the reasons behind that can open me up to life, or close me off to life. I can restrict myself, or push my own limits. I feel that the way I interact with my physical body in terms of movement, reflects in the rest of my life as well.
How do you like to move? How do you want to move?
I’ll also look at a common topic that is brought to my attention; lack of confidence, and see if the way we move can be supportive to that.
Follow me on twitter and Instagram @rachelc00k - Rachel Cook full video
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