Submitted by
Sydney Kong
2022-12-30 19:32:05
hey guys!
it was brought to my attention that the YouTube YouTube video shoot shoot before was skipping at some parts and that it was freezing so I had to refilm for you guys!
welcome back to my channel. so I thought I'd try something different because my best friend pointed it out that I should listen to my comment sections. So now that I have 1000 subscribers which by the way thank you so much, like that's insane to me I thought I'd try improving my videos by pausing the recording when I go to do the try on haul portion because I didn't know I could pause it because I thought what would happen is that if I paused it, it would start over. But now I'm trying it out and it worked, but if you guys don't like it then we can just forget this way and go back to before.
But anyways, I've been waiting for this two piece because it's from the queen Hailee Steinfeld's collection from frankie's bikinis. It's the Frankie's bikinis x Hailee Steinfeld collection. It's from her 70s collection. It's gonna be a quick YouTube video shoot shoot shoot today because I'm on my time of the month. So I don't want to bleed all over my new bikini. But yes I've been wanting this one because everytime I go and see that my order has been confirmed on the email, it always shows this bikini. And I've just been wanting this bikini.
Anyways, subscribe to my channel because it's free and why not. But also, I just want to say thank you for all of your support because I really appreciate it. Without your support, I wouldn't be able to make these videos so thank you. So if you want to continue to see me do these videos, subscribe if you want because it's freee. Also, this is the last beach costume YouTube YouTube video shoot for a while because I don't have any plans to buy any bikinis for a while. But I do want to buy one inamorata beach costume by the end of the year. Alright byeeeee
#frankiesbikinis #bikinitryonhaulvideo #bikinitryonhaul #thankyoufor1000subscribers #absolutelyinsane #subscribe #haileesteinfeldcollection #haileesteinfeld #haileesteinfeldxfrankiesbikinis #thankyouforyoursupport #withoutyoursupportiprobablywouldntbeabletomakethesevideos #sothankyou #frankiesbikini #subscribe #enjoy #like #comment #itriedpausingtherecording #inordertoimprove #thevideo #foryouguys #becauseishouldimprove - Sydney Kong full lingerie try on haul video
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